Friday 18 September 2009

Crop Circles on Google Earth

In our ezine for The UFO Bureau we have a section on unusual images found on Google Earth.

We are always interested in hearing from anyone who may have found something that looks odd. Contact us at The UFO Bureau.

As an example, we like this production on YouTube.

The UFO BUreau

Sunday 13 September 2009

UFOs over power station -debate

We here at the UFO Bureau have been following the debate about footage of UFOs over a nuclear power station.

The sequence is almost too good to be true (which usually means it isn't) but the orbs do cast shadows on the ground.

More importantly there's no indication of who filmed this. If it were a nuclear power station there's usually a no-fly zone imposed around it. So who made the film?

Watch the footage from Disclose TV and let us know!

Thursday 10 September 2009

UFO or pterodactyl over Argentinian lake?

There's a lot of interest in this story about a UFO over a lake in Argentina.
Here at the UFO Bureau we think it looks like a drone. We haven't seen anything on these critters for a while now. (They were big news in the UFO community early last year, especially).
Anyone out there agree?

The story
UFO or pterodactyl over Argentinian lake?
A strange object photographed over a lake in Argentina has been described as either a flying saucer or a flying dinosaur.
The object, photographed by a fisherman near San Rafael over an artificial lake called El-Nihuil, was, according the the newspaper Los Andes, witnessed by more than one person.
Mr Pino, 44, from San Rafael, fishes on the lake and told Los Andes that he often goes down to the water to watch the swans. On Saturday last week, however, he noticed a strange object hovering over the lake and took a series of photographs on his mobile phone.

Thursday 3 September 2009

UFO tracked over Europe

We've just tweeted about this.
We have been passed some information from a very good source.
Does anyone know of about an object being picked up on radar over Russia, then Germany and then France, heading to the UK?
A plane was scrambled, got sight of the craft and the pilot was given the order to shoot.
On these words the craft the shot up vertically into the sky.
We would love to hear from anyone who knows more (there are other details we have kept back).
And will this incident feature in the National Archives releasing of UFO info?

The UFO Bureau

Monday 31 August 2009

'Alien baby' stumps experts - is it just an elaborate hoax?

Finds like this one at BILD magazine really intrigue us here the UFO Bureau.

So many questions arise from this story.

It's interesting that four labs are looking into this and they can't place the body's DNA.

Oh, and the farmer who found the body and drowned it has since died in a car fire.

This is a taste of what Bild says:

Is this bizarre creature really an alien baby or just part of an elaborate hoax - and was it the cause of a mysterious revenge death?

Mexican TV revealed the almost unbelievable story - in 2007, a baby 'alien' was found alive by a farmer in Mexico.

He drowned it in a ditch out of fear, and now two years later scientists have finally been able to announce the results of their tests on this sinister-looking carcass.

At the end of last year the farmer, Marao Lopez, handed the corpse over to university scientists who carried out DNA tests and scans.

He claimed that it took him three attempts to drown the creature and he had to hold it underwater for hours.

Tests revealed a creature that is unknown to scientists - its skeleton has characteristics of a lizard, its teeth do not have any roots like humans and it can stay underwater for a long time.

But it also has some similar joints to humans.

Its brain was huge, particularly the rear section, leading scientists to the conclusion that the odd creature was very intelligent.


Sunday 16 August 2009

UFO 'eats' a plane!

Another interesting video posted on YouTube.

Here at the UFO Bureau we have issues with the camera shake and the speed of the plane which appears slower after going behind the building.

It's still an interesting piece of footage.

Planes? Birds? UFO's? Hoax? You decide and enter the debate at our UFO Forum.

The UFO Bureau for UFO news and videos.

Saturday 15 August 2009

UFO transported through Dallas

It looks interesting...but really?

Two UFOs on flatbeds without being covered and transported through a major city with an heavy escort?

Here at The UFO Bureau we aren't convinced.

The structures could well be a major engineering project.

And it's annoying that people with cameras have no idea of how to use them.

Close but no cigar.

The search goes on!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

UFO tracks RAF Hercules - no danger says MoD!!

We've just Tweeted about this and thought a blog would help too.
The photo of a UFO tracking an RAF Hercules plane is quite interesting.
Though we can't think people should get too excited since the image isn't distinct enough.
It's probably a helicopter.
We HOPE is a UFO though the MoD says it won't be investigating since the craft wasn't a threat to British airspace.
We know the boys are releasing their UFO files from the archives but instances like this raise an interesting question.
If you are so sure what the craft isn't - a threat to us - does that imply that you do know what it is? Are all UFOs 'friendly'??

Read more:

The UFO Bureau

Monday 13 July 2009

Best year yet for UFO sightings?

This story in today's Sun makes interesting reading.
Apparently, 2009 is on track to be a record-breaking year for UFO sightings.
Here at The UFO Bureau we hope that these are genuine sightings and not people seeing Chinese lanterns or satellites in space.
The fact that most people now have camera phones to 'proof' of what they have seen is an undoubted help.
Here's part of The Sun story:
HUNDREDS of UFOs have been spotted in UK skies since January - putting 2009 on track to be a record year.
Brits have reported 231 mysterious hovering objects to the Ministry of Defence so far this year - against a previous record of 285 for the WHOLE of 2008.
In 2007 the count was 135, and there were just 97 in 2006.
Former MoD UFO investigator Nick Pope said yesterday: "This is sensational. We are now on target for a record year.
"I thought the number of UFOs reported last year was high, but we now know that they are being seen in increasing numbers."

* Does anyone reading this think the increase is due to an alien species planning to make themselves known? Have you any view on this? Voice your opinion in the UFO Bureau forum.
Good UFO hunting everyone!

The UFO Bureau

Friday 3 July 2009

Hats off to the Daily Mail and their support for Gary McKinnon

Here at The UFO Bureau we have been supporting Gary McKinnon's fight to be extradited to the USA.
This front page story:
Betrayal of a naive hacker: Why are our MPs doing nothing to help Asperger's victim Gary?
really says it as it is. It's an outrage to common sense and decency that Gary is being extradited. But then we are talking about British MPs here.
Gary committed the 'crime' in the UK and should be tried here.
He shouldn't be facing 60 years in a so-called supermax jail.
More papers like the Daily Mail should get behind this campaign.
In our first issue we covered this story in some detail.
The interesting thing to us is when Gary talks about seeing a UFO on the screen but the image disappeared before he could get a copy of it.
It would be interesting to know what else he found whilst looking around the (very poorly defended) NASA computers.
The UFO Bureau for UFO news and views!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

UFO spotted hovering in Hertfordshire

A couple photographed a UFO hovering in the black sky above their home in Welwyn Garden City, Hertforshire, late at night.
We are intrigued by this story in the Daily Telegraph which shows what looks like a UFO.
We are intrigued because 'experts' often shoot this style of UFO down by saying the photographer has taken a shot of a street light from the underside.
This image, however, is a whole lot different.
Well done to the Hertfordshire couple who spotted it.

The UFO Bureau for regular UFO news updates

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Turkey UFO conference is food for thought

Here at The UFO Bureau we liked the images coming out of Turkey. Some thought they were too good to be true.
A conference this week is taking a closer look at what happened - and what is still going.
This Irish Times report is quite interesting (apart from Nick Pope's comments) and shows that lots of people are seeing unusual things in the night sky.
These are famous and educated people risking their reputations by telling people they have seen something unusual.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

More UFO sightings on the Yorkshire coast

Yorkshire is fast becoming a UFO hotspot for sightings and this story in a local newspaper intrigues us.
We have a story in the next edition of the UFO Bureau ezine which takes a closer look at what is happening. Lots of people are seeing some very interesting things.
We would love to hear from you if you know of anything that has been going on.
Or you could try the UFO Bureau Forum to see if anyone else has reported anything or start a thread off.

The UFO Bureau - first for UFO news and views

2012 and all that

Ufologists are among those interested (indeed obsessed?) by various dates in 2012.
One of them is the prediction in the Mayan calendar that the earth will end.
Or that a planet called Nibiru is due to crash into Earth in 2012.
There's lots of other interesting things too butrather than detail them, read this NASA document. It makes for interesting reading!
And if you have any issues then discuss them here or, even better, start a thread off in the UFO Bureau's forum.

The UFO Bureau

Monday 15 June 2009

The UFO Bureau joins Twitter!

Yes, we have joined the masses (despite we wouldn't do it!) and we have a Twitter account.
You can follow updates to The UFO Bureau through this blog, via RSS at the site or via Twitter itself.
We look forward to you following us!

Join us at:

UFO website is up and running

Many thanks to everyone who has been in touch recently - The UFO Bureau is ready!
After all the hassles and aggro we are back up and running. It's been a mammoth task getting everything back up again - and we've lost lots of data and information.
We think though that we can turn The UFO Bureau into the leading site for people and groups to find out more on the fascinating subject and to make connections between each other.
Working together we can educate and inform people from all over the world.
If you were previously a participant in the forum please accept our humble apologies that you have to rejoin (and, you will notice, that we have some extra security there - for a very good reason).
If you are a Ufologist or a member of a group, please feel to link to us, submit news or even start a debate in the UFO forum.

Many thanks,
The UFO Bureau team

Tuesday 9 June 2009

We should be hunting for ET on Earth

SCIENTISTS looking for aliens in space should be hunting them on EARTH, it has been claimed.
Prof Paul Davies said creatures totally different from life as we know it may exist on our planet.
The UK-born cosmologist, now in Arizona, believes they might not have DNA - meaning they would not have been found by usual life-detection techniques.
He called for searches for "weird life" in inhospitable places, such as hot, undersea vents.
Prof Davies said finding alternative life "would be the biggest discovery in biology since Darwin and evolution".

We love The Sun.

Flying Saucers have landed

From the UFO Bureau website we see the latest news is of a conference being held in Scarborough later this year.
We know the organisers and would encourage all UFOlogists to go along and learn something - there is going to be some extraordinary footage being shown.
Here's what they say: "If you are looking for real answers to the UFOs seen in the sky both here in the UK and abroad then make your way to Scarborough this October 29th and 30th where there will be an Evening UFO conference held at The Spa Complex, South Bay. Find out what has been missing from the official story on your TV and in your newspapers, when you come and see the evidence gathered from authentic UFO videos and real witnesses. Presenting the conference will be the world’s oldest UFO magazine Flying Saucer Review, and Filey resident, Russell Kellett’s British UFO Hunters."

Tickets cost £10.00 per day . Doors open at 5pm.

More info at the Flying Saucer Review.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Armadas of UFOs spotted in skies above UK

A procession of up to 50 mysterious orange lights has been baffling eyewitnesses after it was seen sweeping across Britain's skies.
In the last three weeks there have been four separate sightings, three in this country and one in Holland.
The most recent were spotted on Sunday night in two different locations, Liverpool and Lincoln.
Onlookers said they saw orange lights hovering above Lincoln, before moving off in different directions and eventually shooting straight up into space.
People who don't believe in UFOs are claiming these are Chinese lanterns.
Normally, we would be inclined to agree with them but these lights have appeared in several locations and are reported to be the size of a building.
Sightings of UFOs appear to be on the increase again. Is there something going on?

Read the Daily Mail's take on this story

More UFO News

The UFO Bureau

Amazing jellyfish crop circle appears

OK, here at The Ufo Bureau we aren't always convinced that crop circles are caused by alien intervention.
And that goes for this one too - but we take our hats off to whoever created it. It is, to put it simply, fantastic.
However, the 250m-long crop circle of a jellyfish has appeared on farmland and it, along with people tramping through the crops to have a look, have caused £600,000 worth of damage.

Read more.

Read more UFO news

The UFO Bureau

Monday 1 June 2009

Gary McKinnon - the final chapter looms?

The case of Gary McKinnon continues to cause unrest. The UFO Bureau has been in touch with Gary and his supporters and we back the campaign for him not to be extradited.
The Daily Mail has just done a really good story on this and on the number of celebs who are standing up for him.
While we accept that what he did was misguided, it certainly does not deserve the 70 year sentence being threatened (which is just a tad better than the threat of 'frying' him when he was first caught).
There are a number of reasons for our stand.
First, the extradition is nonsense for the 'crime' committed (and that's leaving aside the fact the Americans haven't signed their extradition treaty which means we can't have Americans stand trial in the UK).
Gary committed his crime in the UK and should be tried here.
And we have some respect for the notion that Gary actually did the American authorities a favour by exposing just how easily it was to break into their 'secure' computers.
His case comes up again this week and we should all support him.
For more UFO news.

The UFO Bureau

Friday 29 May 2009

Crop circle found Wiltshire

A huge intricate crop circle sculpted in a sea of barley has appeared near an ancient British burial mound in Wiltshire.
The formation, measuring approximately 350ft (100 metres), seems to depict a Yin Yang pattern and appeared on May 25 beneath Windmill Hill, near Devizes.
It was captured on camera at an area close to the great man-made mound of Silbury Hill, Wiltshire.
Read more of this story in the Daily Telegraph.

More UFO news

** The UFO Bureau knows of recent footage showing a fantastic crop circle being made by orbs of light. More details will follow on this one in September!

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Icy 'crop circles' mystify scientists

Here at The UFO Bureau we believe that sometimes scientists dismiss the likelihood of UFOs just too readily.
Take this Daily Mail story called 'Icy 'crop circles' appear on remote Siberian lake mystifying scientists'.
The story centres on a strange, almost perfect ring on a frozen lake in Siberia which appears like an icy crop circle.
It's an incredible 2.5miles across and sits on the largest freshwater lake in the world in Russia.
But although scientists have ruled out UFOs they are puzzled by how the mysterious geological phenomenon formed on Lake Baikal.
Why have the ruled out UFOs? We know that UFOs can hide in lakes and the sea.
OK so we can see that hydrothermal activity and high heat flow might be responsible but - please - don't put your personal disbelief in UFOs as a rejection of a plausible excuse.
Science may have some explaining to do should the existence of UFOs on earth be officially recognised.

The UFO Bureau

Tuesday 26 May 2009

UFO in near miss with airliner

The link below is to a video which was posted onto YouTube just a few days ago.

It's been posted by 51-year-old Jackie Gillies and is the latest in a series of strange sightings over the Lothians in recent years.

Watching the footage, it appears to show a UFO flying close to a passenger jet in the skies over Midlothian. It was filmed from Birkenside in Gorebridge at 10.30pm and appears to show an orb of light passing over the jet in the opposite direction of flight.

Watch the video here

It's an interesting piece of footage. Will we hear about weather balloons?

The UFO Bureau

Sunday 24 May 2009

Does Adamski footage show the truth?

George Adamski has always been a controversial figure in UFO folklore.

We quite like the article at because it's quite frank and highlights part of a documentary which has turned up on YouTube.

Compared to some other footage out there, the scenes from Adamski's long forgotten UFO are not awe-inspiring but still worthy of closer examination.

Which is what some TV experts did.

They reach some interesting conclusions....

Read more.

The UFO Bureau

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Weather - the UFO storm?

We like the article at The Times trying to debunk sightings of UFOs as being related to weather phenomenon.
As sightings begin to increase again we think that there will be more stories like this trying to explain away what people are seeing - and filming.
What most UFO-deniers realise is that UFOlogists themselves say that the vast mjority of sightings can be explained away.
It's the relatively small number - say around 5% - which can't be explained which get our attention.
This is just another smokescreen to deny what people are seeing and reporting.
There's nothing like black propaganda and spin to deny and detract.

The UFO Bureau blog

Friday 17 April 2009

UFO expert in sightings plea

If anyone can help in this appeal, please contact Phil Hoyle directly - and/or let us know here what you have seen.
Phil runs the UFO Investigation and Research unit, based in Shrewsbury, and is making the request following a sighting by Fredrick Kershaw, of Llansantffraid, as he travelled home from work.
Mr Kershaw was near Llanfechain when he saw the unusual sighting.
Mr Hoyle said Mr Kershaw was travelling home on February 26 at 5.50pm and had just turned on to the B4393 when he saw the UFO in his car’s side window.
The UFO is described as being at around 700ft in altitude, a cigar shape with four red elliptical windows or lights along the side.
Seconds later he heard the roar of a jet plane or fighter plane behind him going in the same direction and he had the impression the jet was chasing the UFO.
Phil says there have been many other sightings reported over the last few months along the Welsh borders from Knighton, Newtown, Oswestry right up to Bala in North Wales.
Contact Phil by email at or call (01734) 245574.

Read more of the Shropshire Star story.

The UFO Bureau

Thursday 16 April 2009

Footage of a 'Triangle'

At the UFO Bureau we often get reports of these sightings but not everyone has decent camera footage.

Here's a link to some video from the UK on YouTube. It's quite good and shows what is clearly a triangle flying in the sky. The comments below are the usual range of people saying it is what it is - and, bizarrely, someone saying they are Chinese lanterns. Since when do lanterns keep to such a pattern? Or is it edited video?

Does anyone out there have any other details? We would be particularly interested in hearing from anyone who might live, or has seen anything, in the Blackpool area.

Are UFO Triangles from earth? Are they a black project? There were some massive ones spotted over Belgium a few years ago.

The UFO Bureau

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Katie Price and Peter Andre 'spot UFO' in USA

This news co-incides nicely with the launch of their new series but celebrity couple Katie Price and Peter Andre have said they spotted a UFO while filming in the United States. Katie, or Jordan as we all really know her, said: "You just wait 'til you see it. We went to Area 51 and saw these really weird lights."
Her husband, Australian singer Peter Andre, agreed: "What we saw was freaky whether you believe us or not. It was the most eerie thing ever."
They have just come back from Los Angeles where they have been living for three months. They are back to promote the new show which followed them around.
* Their ITV2 reality show Katie and Peter: Stateside, begins on Thursday April 16 at 9pm.

Read more

The UFO Bureau

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Bridlington sightings

Here at The UFO Bureau, and another UFO website, we have been getting some interesting reports of a UFO spotted over Bridlington on the Yorkshire coast.

Most of the sightings were in the days before the Easter break. This could be a very exciting moment for UFO hunters everywhere.

Do you know anything about it? If so please contact us.

The UFO Bureau