Monday 31 August 2009

'Alien baby' stumps experts - is it just an elaborate hoax?

Finds like this one at BILD magazine really intrigue us here the UFO Bureau.

So many questions arise from this story.

It's interesting that four labs are looking into this and they can't place the body's DNA.

Oh, and the farmer who found the body and drowned it has since died in a car fire.

This is a taste of what Bild says:

Is this bizarre creature really an alien baby or just part of an elaborate hoax - and was it the cause of a mysterious revenge death?

Mexican TV revealed the almost unbelievable story - in 2007, a baby 'alien' was found alive by a farmer in Mexico.

He drowned it in a ditch out of fear, and now two years later scientists have finally been able to announce the results of their tests on this sinister-looking carcass.

At the end of last year the farmer, Marao Lopez, handed the corpse over to university scientists who carried out DNA tests and scans.

He claimed that it took him three attempts to drown the creature and he had to hold it underwater for hours.

Tests revealed a creature that is unknown to scientists - its skeleton has characteristics of a lizard, its teeth do not have any roots like humans and it can stay underwater for a long time.

But it also has some similar joints to humans.

Its brain was huge, particularly the rear section, leading scientists to the conclusion that the odd creature was very intelligent.


Sunday 16 August 2009

UFO 'eats' a plane!

Another interesting video posted on YouTube.

Here at the UFO Bureau we have issues with the camera shake and the speed of the plane which appears slower after going behind the building.

It's still an interesting piece of footage.

Planes? Birds? UFO's? Hoax? You decide and enter the debate at our UFO Forum.

The UFO Bureau for UFO news and videos.

Saturday 15 August 2009

UFO transported through Dallas

It looks interesting...but really?

Two UFOs on flatbeds without being covered and transported through a major city with an heavy escort?

Here at The UFO Bureau we aren't convinced.

The structures could well be a major engineering project.

And it's annoying that people with cameras have no idea of how to use them.

Close but no cigar.

The search goes on!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

UFO tracks RAF Hercules - no danger says MoD!!

We've just Tweeted about this and thought a blog would help too.
The photo of a UFO tracking an RAF Hercules plane is quite interesting.
Though we can't think people should get too excited since the image isn't distinct enough.
It's probably a helicopter.
We HOPE is a UFO though the MoD says it won't be investigating since the craft wasn't a threat to British airspace.
We know the boys are releasing their UFO files from the archives but instances like this raise an interesting question.
If you are so sure what the craft isn't - a threat to us - does that imply that you do know what it is? Are all UFOs 'friendly'??

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The UFO Bureau