Tuesday 31 May 2011

UFO appears on screen - NASA tells ISS crew 'shut the camera down'

Love this story from the excellent Unexplainable.net website.

The footage is interesting, but not conclusive, and NASA has probably attracted more interest to the footage because of the ground staff asking the crew to pause the live feed.

Here's what the Unexplainable.net says: The footage was originally incidental and from the International Space Station and then broadcast to the public through NASA's live stream. After the footage made its way Online the first few viewers could believe their eyes. A strange object appears in the void of space and shortly afterward a NASA spokesperson cuts in abruptly and tells the Astronauts to pause the live feed.

As the footage begins we can see a glittering object in the distance and then leaving. Shortly afterward an object returns from that position and then finally vanishes as the feed is interrupted. Of course not before you hear the voice of someone on the ground saying with an imperative tone to pause the feed. Looking back on why NASA would make such an unusual request, the footage did display something quite unusual in the background.

Why indeed?

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